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Concours International de Chant

Stich: 12, rue du Général Brun F-47200 Marmande, France Telephone: +33-5-53 89 68 75 Fax: +33-5-53 89 68 75 http://festilyrique.fr/

Ответов - 12

Stich: RULES French version This competition is open to candidates of all nationalities and its aim is to promote young singers. It consists of three categories, of which one or more may be selected : A. OPERA B. OPERETTA (OPÉRA BOUFFE - COMÉDIE MUSICALE) C. FRENCH MELODIES Candidates must be born after 21th August 1975 and before 21th August 1990. Any request for exemption will be considered by the organising association. The organisers reserve the right to accept or reject a candidature after taking account of the C.V. professional experience and training of a candidate. A candidate who has won a first prize in one category of this competition in previous years cannot compete in that category. Candidates, whether prize-winners or not, may be engaged with remuneration for the Marmande Festival Lyrique in 2009 and future years, or in other productions of the association. The list of prize-winners will be widely disseminated. All the members of the Jury are likely to offer engagements to the candidates or to assist in their promotion. The organising association reserves the right to the use of photographs and audio-visual recordings made throughout the competition, without this giving the right to any recompense whatever to the participants, on every medium of communication and the internet. The operatic Festival Association retains the right to enter in to partnerships with other operatic competitions REGISTRATION A registration fee (see attached registration form for the amount) in «Euros», non-returnable, is requested from the candidates. Candidates must provide the following : A curriculum vitae 2 photographs (4cm/4cm) A photocopy ot their identity document Registration fee These forms must be sent by 15th July 2008 at the latest. Notification of registration will be made upon receipt of the completed forms. ACCOMPANIMENT Several piano accompanists will be made available by the organisers (without extra cost to the candidates). Candidates may be accompagnied by their own pianist (at their own expense). The association does not organise rehearsals with the pianists of the competition. In the case of an extract of contemporary music, the candidate will provide a score for the Jury. COMPETITION RULES Candidates can present themselves in one or more categories : A. OPERA B. OPERETTA C. FRENCH MELODIES Candidates will not be allowed to sing the same piece twice. Categories A, B : No transposition or translation (except in Operetta) will be accepted. 5 pieces to be presented, 2 of which to be in French. Category C : 5 melodies, by French composers, must be presented. (one of the melodies can be replaced by two very short pieces which should not go over the time allocated) At the close of the Final, all finalists should have interpreted at least one French song for Categories A, B, C. Each piece will have to be interpreted without a score. Deliberations of the Jury are secret and without appeal. The competition takes place in three stages : Eliminating Heats, Semi-Finals, Final. The 2007 finalists of a category (opera, operette or French melody) are exempt from the eliminatory round for the same category in 2008 (unless they request to take the round again) and should obtain their candidate's card before 0930 on Saturday 23 August. Before each contest, candidates must present their card. Order of appearance will be drawn by lot before a bailiff of the court, and will remain the same throughout the competition. Candidates must check their time of appearance so as to be present in the designated order. Otherwise, they run the risk of not being able to compete. Candidates will be judged on their vocal and musical qualities, on their presentation and their interpretation. Normal dress is acceptable for the eliminating heats and the semi-final. Evening dress is obligatory for the Final. Prize-winners will receive a prize and a diploma. All other finalists will eventually receive a diploma. Upon demand, other candidates will receive a certificate of participation in the competition, giving the place reached in the contest. The competition is organised by the Association of the Marmande Festival Lyrique. The organising association reserves the right to take any decisions it thinks necessary. The registration of the candidate in the competition implies his or her full acceptance of the rules http://festilyrique.fr/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=52&Itemid=31

Stich: La dotation globale du Concours International de Chant s’élève à 20 000 ? Cette somme est répartie de la façon suivante : OPERA GRAND PRIX 4 500 ? 1er PRIX FEMME 1 500 ? 1er PRIX HOMME 1 500 ? 2ème PRIX 900 ? 3ème PRIX 600 ? OPERETTE 1er PRIX 2 500 ? 2ème PRIX 1 500 ? MELODIE FRANÇAISE 1er PRIX 2 500 ? 2ème PRIX 1 500 ? PRIX DU PUBLIC 1 000 ? PRIX JEUNE ESPOIR 1 000 ? Doté par la Chambre Professionnelle des Directeurs d’Opéra PRIX SPECIAUX DU JURY 1 000 ? UN PRIX DU C.N.I.P.A.L. (Centre National d’Insertion Professionnelle d’Artistes Lyriques de Marseille) sera attribué et remis par le Délégué Général de cette structure. Accueil d’artistes lyriques dans le cadre d’un stage d’insertion professionnelle de 10 mois UN PRIX OFQJ (Office Franco-Québécois pour la Jeunesse) - THEATRE LYRICHOREGRA 20 «Meilleur interprète français» catégorie Opéra. http://festilyrique.fr/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=18&Itemid=33 Жюри этого года Marc ADAM Directeur général du Stadttheater, Berne - Suisse Renée AUPHAN Directrice Artistique de l'Opéra de Marseille Daniel BIZERAY Directeur Général de l’Opéra de Rouen/Haute Normandie Didier BRUNEL Directeur Général de l’Opéra Théâtre de Besançon Jean Paul BURLE Directeur du Pin Galant de Mérignac Marc CLEMEUR Directeur Général de l’Opéra d’Anvers, Belgique Guy CONDETTE Administrateur Général, Grand Théâtre de Limoges Jean Paul DAVOIS Directeur Général de Angers Nantes Opéra Raymond DUFFAUT Directeur Général des Chorégies d’Orange Gérard FOUNAU Directeur Général du CNIPAL de Marseille Thierry FOUQUET Directeur de l’Opéra de Bordeaux Jean-Louis GRINDA Directeur Général de l'Opéra de Monte Carlo - Monaco Michèle HERBÉ Directrice Artistique du Festival Lyrique de Marmande Pierre MEDECIN Président de la Chambre Professionnelle des Directeurs d’Opéra Michèle MELLORY Chargée de Mission Lyrique, Théâtre Municipal de Boulogne sur Mer Philippe MESTRES Président du Festival Lyrique de Marmande, Directeur Musical Cristian MIHAILESCU Directeur de l’Opéra de Brasov, Roumanie Alain NONAT Directeur Général du Théâtre Lyrichorégra 20 de Montréal, Québec-Canada Jean-Yves OSSONCE Directeur Artistique du Grand Théâtre de Tours Nicholas SNOWMAN Directeur Général de l’Opéra National du Rhin - Strasbourg Alain SURRANS Directeur de l’Opéra de Rennes Vadim ZHURAVLEV Directeur Artistique du Théâtre du Bolchoï, Moscou - Russie

Stich: c 21 по 24 августа 2008 Epreuves : Mélodie Française, Opérette, Opéra. 200 chanteurs du monde entier, devant un jury international… Théatre Comoedia, Marmande. Eliminatoires Jeudi 21 & Vendredi 22 août > à partir de 10h et 14h Demi finale Samedi 23 août > à partir de 10h et 14h Finale Dimanche 24 août > 16h30 - Mélodie Française et Opérette Pause > 20h - Opéra Délibération du Jury Palmarès et remise des prix.

Stich: Краткий перевод.... Время проведения: Август 21-22-23-24 ПРАВИЛА Этот конкурс открыт для кандидатов всех национальностей, и его цель состоит в том, чтобы помочь продвижению молодых певцов. Конкурс состоит из трех категорий: A. ОПЕРА B. ОПЕРЕТТА C. ФРАНЦУЗСКИЕ МЕЛОДИИ Кандидаты должны родиться после 21-ого августа 1975 и до 21-ого августа 1990. Любое отступление от правила будет рассматриваться отдельно. Организаторы имеют правоо принимать или отклонять кандидатуру принимая во внимание профессиональный опыт и обучение кандидата. Кандидат, который выиграл первый приз в одной из категорий этого конкурса в предыдущих годах, не может принимать участие в этой же категории в этом году. Призеры могут быть заняты для награждения в 2009 году. Список призеров будет широко распространен. Все члены жюри, вероятно, предложат контракты кандидатам или помогут в их поощрении на работе. Организаторы конкурса резервирует право на использование фотографий и аудиовизуальной продукции, сделанной во время конкурса, без какой либо компенсации любому конкурсанту. РЕГИСТРАЦИЯ Вступительный взнос (см. приложенную регистрационную форму) в "Евро", не подлежит возврату. Кандидаты должны опредоставить следующее: Краткая биография(Резюме) 2 фотографии (4cm/4cm) Ксерокопия документа, идентифицирующая личность Вступительный взнос Эти формы нужно послать до 15июля 2008. Уведомление о регистрации будет сделано после получения заполненных форм. СОПРОВОЖДЕНИЕ: Несколько аккомпаниаторов (на фортепьяно) будут предоставлены организаторами (без дополнительной затраты для кандидатов). Кандидаты могут выступать с их собственным пианистом (за их собственный счет). Ассоциация не организует репетиции с пианистами. ПРАВИЛА КОНКУРСА Кандидаты могут представиться в одной или более категориях: A. ОПЕРА B. ОПЕРЕТТА C. ФРАНЦУЗСКИЕ МЕЛОДИИ Кандидатам не будут разрешать петь ту же самую часть дважды. Категории A, B: Никакое перемещение или перевод (кроме в Оперетте) не будут приниматься. Кандидаты должны предоставить к исполнению 5 арий (частей), из которых 2 обязательно должны быть на французском языке. Категория C: 5 песен, французских композиторов. В Финалае все финалисты должны будут исполнить по крайней мере одну французскую песню для Категорий A, B, C. Каждая часть должна быть интерпретирована без изменения тональности. Обсуждение Жюри является секретным. Конкурс состоит из трех стадий: Отборочный, Полуфинал, Финал. Финалисты 2007 года категории (опера, оперетта или французская мелодия) освобождены от отборочного раунда для той же самой категории в 2008. Вечерний наряд обязателен для Финала. Призеры получат приз и диплом. Все другие финалисты в конечном счете получат диплом. По дополнительному требованию другие кандидаты получат свидетельство об участии в конкурсе.

Stich: Как записаться на конкурс: Заполните бланк, затем перешлите его по email или почтовым отправлением. ВНИМАНИЕ Чтобы послать с помощью электронного адреса вашу заявку, будьте добры заполните в Acrobat Карточка записи в формате PDF http://festilyrique.fr/images/stories/festilyrique/inscription/ficheinscriptionfrancais2008.pdf Карточка записи на английском языке в формате PDF http://festilyrique.fr/images/stories/festilyrique/inscription/ficheinscriptionanglais2008.pdf

Stich: Concours International de Chant 27 по 30 августа 2009 Epreuves : Mélodie Française, Opérette, Opéra. 200 chanteurs du monde entier, devant un jury international… Théatre Comoedia, Marmande. Eliminatoires Demi finale Finale Jeudi 27 & Vendredi 28 août > à partir de 10h et 14h Samedi 29 août > à partir de 10h et 14h Dimanche 30 août > 16h30 - Mélodie Française et Opérette Pause > 20h - Opéra Délibération du Jury Palmarès et remise des prix.

Stich: August 27-28-29-30 RULES This competition is open to candidates of all nationalities and its aim is to promote young singers. It consists of three categories, of which one or more may be selected : A. OPERA B. OPERETTA (OPÉRA BOUFFE - COMÉDIE MUSICALE) C. FRENCH MELODIES Candidates must be born after 27th August 1976 and before 27th August 1991. Any request for exemption will be considered by the organising association. The organisers reserve the right to accept or reject a candidature after taking account of the C.V. professional experience and training of a candidate. A candidate who has won a first prize in one category of this competition in previous years cannot compete in that category. Candidates, whether prize-winners or not, may be engaged with remuneration for the Marmande Festival Lyrique in 2010 and future years, or in other productions of the association. The list of prize-winners will be widely disseminated. All the members of the Jury are likely to offer engagements to the candidates or to assist in their promotion. The organising association reserves the right to the use of photographs and audio-visual recordings made throughout the competition, without this giving the right to any recompense whatever to the participants, on every medium of communication and the internet. The operatic Festival Association retains the right to enter in to partnerships with other operatic competitions REGISTRATION A registration fee (see attached registration form for the amount) in «Euros», non-returnable, is requested from the candidates. Candidates must provide the following : A curriculum vitae 2 photographs (4cm/4cm) A photocopy ot their identity document Registration fee Application form will be registered until the 15th of July 2009. Notification of registration will be made upon receipt of the completed forms. ACCOMPANIMENT Several piano accompanists will be made available by the organisers (without extra cost to the candidates). Candidates may be accompagnied by their own pianist (at their own expense). The association does not organise rehearsals with the pianists of the competition. In the case of an extract of contemporary music, the candidate will provide a score for the Jury. COMPETITION RULES Candidates can present themselves in one or more categories : A. OPERA B. OPERETTA C. FRENCH MELODIES Candidates will not be allowed to sing the same piece twice. Categories A, B : No transposition or translation (except in Operetta) will be accepted. 5 pieces to be presented, 2 of which to be in French. Category C : 5 melodies, by French composers, must be presented. (one of the melodies can be replaced by two very short pieces which should not go over the time allocated) At the close of the Final, all finalists should have interpreted at least one French song for Categories A, B, C. Each piece will have to be interpreted without a score. Deliberations of the Jury are secret and without appeal. The competition takes place in three stages : Eliminating Heats, Semi-Finals, Final. The 2008 finalists of a category (opera, operette or French melody) are exempt from the eliminatory round for the same category in 2009 (unless they request to take the round again) and should obtain their candidate's card before 0930 on Saturday 29 August. Before each contest, candidates must present their card. Order of appearance will be drawn by lot before a bailiff of the court, and will remain the same throughout the competition. Candidates must check their time of appearance so as to be present in the designated order. Otherwise, they run the risk of not being able to compete. Candidates will be judged on their vocal and musical qualities, on their presentation and their interpretation. Normal dress is acceptable for the eliminating heats and the semi-final. Evening dress is obligatory for the Final. Prize-winners will receive a prize and a diploma. All other finalists will eventually receive a diploma. Upon demand, other candidates will receive a certificate of participation in the competition, giving the place reached in the contest. The competition is organised by the Association of the Marmande Festival Lyrique. The organising association reserves the right to take any decisions it thinks necessary. The registration of the candidate in the competition implies his or her full acceptance of the rules All parts of the competition will take place in public at the THEATRE COMŒDIA 30, rue Léopold Faye - 47200 MARMANDE - France

Stich: Palmarès du Concours International de Chant 2007 OPERETTE 1er Prix, REVAULT D'ALLONNES Sabine, Soprano, France 2ème Prix, NOAH Yannick-Muriel, Soprano, Canada PRIX DU PUBLIC NOAH Yannick-Muriel, Soprano, Canada 2008 Opérette 2ème Prix Sarfati Léa Soprano France

Stich: Concours International de Chant с 26 по 29 августа 2010 26-27 августа отборочные туры 28 августа - полуфинал 29 августа - финал RULES This competition is open to candidates of all nationalities and its aim is to promote young singers. It consists of three categories, of which one or more may be selected : A. OPERA B. OPERETTA (OPÉRA BOUFFE - COMÉDIE MUSICALE) C. FRENCH MELODIES Candidates must be born after 26th August 1977 and before 26th August 1992. Any request for exemption will be considered by the organising association. The organisers reserve the right to accept or reject a candidature after taking account of the C.V. professional experience and training of a candidate. A candidate who has won a first prize in one category of this competition in previous years cannot compete in that category. Candidates, whether prize-winners or not, may be engaged with remuneration for the Marmande Festival Lyrique in 2011 and future years, or in other productions of the association. The list of prize-winners will be widely disseminated. All the members of the Jury are likely to offer engagements to the candidates or to assist in their promotion. The organising association reserves the right to the use of photographs and audio-visual recordings made throughout the competition, without this giving the right to any recompense whatever to the participants, on every medium of communication and the internet. The operatic Festival Association retains the right to enter in to partnerships with other operatic competitions REGISTRATION A registration fee (see attached registration form for the amount) in «Euros», non-returnable, is requested from the candidates. Candidates must provide the following : A curriculum vitae 2 photographs (4cm/4cm) A photocopy ot their identity document Registration fee Application form will be registered until the 10th of July 2010. Notification of registration will be made upon receipt of the completed forms. ACCOMPANIMENT Several piano accompanists will be made available by the organisers (without extra cost to the candidates). Candidates may be accompagnied by their own pianist (at their own expense). The association does not organise rehearsals with the pianists of the competition. In the case of an extract of contemporary music, the candidate will provide a score for the Jury. COMPETITION RULES Candidates can present themselves in one or more categories : A. OPERA B. OPERETTA C. FRENCH MELODIES Candidates will not be allowed to sing the same piece twice. Categories A, B : No transposition or translation (except in Operetta) will be accepted. 5 pieces to be presented, 2 of which to be in French. Category C : 5 melodies, by French composers, must be presented. (one of the melodies can be replaced by two very short pieces which should not go over the time allocated) At the close of the Final, all finalists should have interpreted at least one French song for Categories A, B, C. Each piece will have to be interpreted without a score. Deliberations of the Jury are secret and without appeal. The competition takes place in three stages : Eliminating Heats, Semi-Finals, Final. The 2009 finalists of a category (opera, operette or French melody) are exempt from the eliminatory round for the same category in 2010 (unless they request to take the round again) and should obtain their candidate's card before 0930 on Saturday 28 August. Before each contest, candidates must present their card. Order of appearance will be drawn by lot before a bailiff of the court, and will remain the same throughout the competition. Candidates must check their time of appearance so as to be present in the designated order. Otherwise, they run the risk of not being able to compete. Candidates will be judged on their vocal and musical qualities, on their presentation and their interpretation. Normal dress is acceptable for the eliminating heats and the semi-final. Evening dress is obligatory for the Final. Prize-winners will receive a prize and a diploma. All other finalists will eventually receive a diploma. Upon demand, other candidates will receive a certificate of participation in the competition, giving the place reached in the contest. The competition is organised by the Association of the Marmande Festival Lyrique. The organising association reserves the right to take any decisions it thinks necessary. The registration of the candidate in the competition implies his or her full acceptance of the rules

Stich: COMPETITION PROGRAMME THURSDAY 26TH AUGUST 08.30 a.m.: Welcome of candidates. 09.30 a.m. : Presentation of the jury 10.00 a.m. : Opening Eliminating Heats Performance of a piece chosen by the candidate. Maximum length per piece : 4 minutes. The eliminating round should reveal to the Jury the quality and range of the voice and the quality of expression in the interpretation. The piece must not exceed 4 minutes : candidates should choose a song of this length, or else make any necessary cuts in a longer song while retaining the essential difficulties : they should cut out repeats and long piano preludes or intervals. The President of the Jury may end the performance of the piece at the end of the given time. The Jury requests strict adherence from candidates to this instruction. FRIDAY 27TH AUGUST 10 a.m. : Continuation and completion of Eliminating Rounds. SATURDAY 28TH AUGUST 10 a.m. : Semi-finals Length of piece : maximum 6 minutes. Performance of a piece chosen by the candidate. A second piece may be requested by the Jury. SUNDAY 29TH AUGUST Final - matinée and evening. Performance of a piece chosen by the candidate, and which he has not yet performed The Jury will choose from among the airs proposed by the candidate a second piece not interpreted by the candidate. If the number de candidates in the opera category exceeds ten, the Jury reserves the right to limit each candidate to one aria. In such a case the Jury will choose the aria to be sung. Candidates in the Operetta Category will be asked to present a short passage (2-3 minutes), extracted from an existing text or from a text composed by the candidate, to demonstrate their acting ability. Non French speaking candidates may present a text in their own language provided they have it translated into French for the Jury. Length of each piece : maximum 8-10 minutes. http://festilyrique.fr/images/stories/festilyrique/inscription/get_adobe_reader.gif http://festilyrique.fr/images/stories/festilyrique/inscription/fichefrancais2010.pdf http://festilyrique.fr/images/stories/festilyrique/inscription/ficheanglais2010.pdf

Stich: http://festilyrique.fr/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=13&Itemid=28 August 24th-25th-26th-27th 2011 RULES French version This competition is open to candidates of all nationalities and its aim is to promote young singers. It consists of three categories, of which one or more may be selected : A. OPERA B. OPERETTA (OPÉRA BOUFFE - COMÉDIE MUSICALE) C. FRENCH MELODIES •Candidates must be born after 24th August 1978 and before 24th August 1993. Any request for exemption will be considered by the organising association. •The organisers reserve the right to accept or reject a candidature after taking account of the C.V. professional experience and training of a candidate. •A candidate who has won a first prize in one category of this competition in previous years cannot compete in that category. •Candidates, whether prize-winners or not, may be engaged with remuneration for the Marmande Festival Lyrique in 2012 and future years, or in other productions of the association. The list of prize-winners will be widely disseminated. All the members of the Jury are likely to offer engagements to the candidates or to assist in their promotion. •The organising association reserves the right to the use of photographs and audio-visual recordings made throughout the competition, without this giving the right to any recompense whatever to the participants, on every medium of communication and the internet. •The operatic Festival Association retains the right to enter in to partnerships with other operatic competitions REGISTRATION A registration fee (see attached registration form for the amount) in «Euros», non-returnable, is requested from the candidates. Candidates must provide the following : •A curriculum vitae •2 photographs (4cm/4cm) •A photocopy ot their identity document •Registration fee Application form will be registered until the 01th of July 2011. Notification of registration will be made upon receipt of the completed forms. ACCOMPANIMENT Several piano accompanists will be made available by the organisers (without extra cost to the candidates). Candidates may be accompagnied by their own pianist (at their own expense). The association does not organise rehearsals with the pianists of the competition. In the case of an extract of contemporary music, the candidate will provide a score for the Jury. COMPETITION RULES Candidates can present themselves in one or more categories : •A. OPERA •B. OPERETTA •C. FRENCH MELODIES Candidates will not be allowed to sing the same piece twice. Categories A, B : No transposition or translation (except in Operetta) will be accepted. 5 pieces to be presented, 2 of which to be in French. Category C : 5 melodies, by French composers, must be presented. (one of the melodies can be replaced by two very short pieces which should not go over the time allocated) At the close of the Final, all finalists should have interpreted at least one French song for Categories A, B, C. Each piece will have to be interpreted without a score. Deliberations of the Jury are secret and without appeal. The competition takes place in three stages : Eliminating Heats, Semi-Finals, Final. •The 2010 finalists of a category (opera, operette or French melody) are exempt from the eliminatory round for the same category in 2011 (unless they request to take the round again) and should obtain their candidate's card before 0930 on Friday 26 August. •Before each contest, candidates must present their card. •Order of appearance will be drawn by lot before a bailiff of the court, and will remain the same throughout the competition. Candidates must check their time of appearance so as to be present in the designated order. Otherwise, they run the risk of not being able to compete. •Candidates will be judged on their vocal and musical qualities, on their presentation and their interpretation. •Normal dress is acceptable for the eliminating heats and the semi-final. •Evening dress is obligatory for the Final. •Prize-winners will receive a prize and a diploma. All other finalists will eventually receive a diploma. •Upon demand, other candidates will receive a certificate of participation in the competition, giving the place reached in the contest. •The competition is organised by the Association of the Marmande Festival Lyrique. The organising association reserves the right to take any decisions it thinks necessary. •The registration of the candidate in the competition implies his or her full acceptance of the rules

Stich: Rules of the 24th International Opera Singing Competition of Marmande August 29-30-31 - September 1st RULES 15 DIRECTORS of Opera-houses PRIZE FUND ? 20 000 FIRST PRIZE ? 4 500 This competition is open to candidates of all nationalities and its aim is to promote young singers. It consists of three categories, of which one or more may be selected : A. OPERA B. OPERETTA (OPÉRA BOUFFE - COMÉDIE MUSICALE) C. FRENCH MELODIES Candidates must be born after 29th August 1979 and before 29th August 1994. Any request for exemption will be considered by the organising association. The organisers reserve the right to accept or reject a candidature after taking account of the C.V. professional experience and training of a candidate. A candidate who has won a first prize in one category of this competition in previous years cannot compete in that category. Candidates, whether prize-winners or not, may be engaged with remuneration for the Marmande Festival Lyrique in 2013 and future years, or in other productions of the association. The list of prize-winners will be widely disseminated. All the members of the Jury are likely to offer engagements to the candidates or to assist in their promotion. The organising association reserves the right to the use of photographs and audio-visual recordings made throughout the competition, without this giving the right to any recompense whatever to the participants, on every medium of communication and the internet. The operatic Festival Association retains the right to enter in to partnerships with other operatic competitions REGISTRATION A registration fee (see attached registration form for the amount) in «Euros», non-returnable, is requested from the candidates. Candidates must provide the following : A curriculum vitae 2 photographs (4cm/4cm) A photocopy ot their identity document Registration fee Application form will be registered until the 1st of July 2012. Notification of registration will be made upon receipt of the completed forms. ACCOMPANIMENT Several piano accompanists will be made available by the organisers (without extra cost to the candidates). Candidates may be accompagnied by their own pianist (at their own expense). The association does not organise rehearsals with the pianists of the competition. In the case of an extract of contemporary music, the candidate will provide a score for the Jury. COMPETITION RULES Candidates can present themselves in one or more categories : A. OPERA B. OPERETTA C. FRENCH MELODIES Candidates will not be allowed to sing the same piece twice. Categories A, B : No transposition or translation (except in Operetta) will be accepted. 5 pieces to be presented, 2 of which to be in French. Category C : 5 melodies, by French composers, must be presented. (one of the melodies can be replaced by two very short pieces which should not go over the time allocated) At the close of the Final, all finalists should have interpreted at least one French song for Categories A, B, C. Each piece will have to be interpreted without a score. Deliberations of the Jury are secret and without appeal. The competition takes place in three stages : Eliminating Heats, Semi-Finals, Final. The 2011 finalists of a category (opera, operette or French melody) are exempt from the eliminatory round for the same category in 2012 (unless they request to take the round again) and should obtain their candidate's card before 09:30 on Friday 31 August. Before each contest, candidates must present their card. Order of appearance will be drawn by lot before a bailiff of the court, and will remain the same throughout the competition. Candidates must check their time of appearance so as to be present in the designated order. Otherwise, they run the risk of not being able to compete. Candidates will be judged on their vocal and musical qualities, on their presentation and their interpretation. Normal dress is acceptable for the eliminating heats and the semi-final. Evening dress is obligatory for the Final. Prize-winners will receive a prize and a diploma. All other finalists will eventually receive a diploma. Upon demand, other candidates will receive a certificate of participation in the competition, giving the place reached in the contest. The competition is organised by the Association of the Marmande Festival Lyrique. The organising association reserves the right to take any decisions it thinks necessary. The registration of the candidate in the competition implies his or her full acceptance of the rules N’hésitez pas à nous contacter : Association du Festival Lyrique en Marmandais - Tél/Fax : 05 53 89 68 75 18, boulevard Fourcade - 47200 MARMANDE Email : festilyric@wanadoo.fr

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